Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So Dawg, I Heard You Like Trees…

(Have decided to, instead of posting update blogs, to just re-edit this one post with updates, as its a lot more easier to keep them all compiled in one place.)

I recently bought Minecraft. I shouldn’t be allowed games that feed on my OCD…

Anyway, after another unfortunate run-in with lava as I was trying to find my way out one of the largest cave systems I have encountered yet (was carrying diamond along with two stacks of very-hard-to-mine Obsidian…), I decided to start afresh in a new game and just go spelunking for a bit. Its really interesting not just going down mining, but finding these immense cave systems that just seem to go on forever. After some time, I realized I needed to establish a base where I can put all my loot in, so I went walking around until I found this cave into a mountain with a tree covering the opening like a sort of roof. After a little feng shui, had meself a cozy little pad so went out the other end of the cave to see what I can do there. Right outside the front was a cliff that had a great tree perched on its edge.

And that moment, I was thinking- “…That would look pretty epic if it was bigger and more majestic.” And remembering some epic trees people have made in the past. Like these babies right here:

So I decided to make one, so I rebuilt the tree to be bigger. And better. And then decided it wasn’t big enough. So I made it even bigger. And better. And then realized it was getting way too close to my house so I pushed it a little further out, and the sheer side began eating the very hill it was perched on. And eventually became this gargantuan monster:

Sup dawg. I heard you like trees. So we put a tree on your tree so you can grow trees while you grow trees. :3

I’m STILL not done with it. I’m planning awesome things with this baby, the priority of which being to construct some kind of city inside the branches. The tree would be sitting in a lake, with waterfalls falling from the branches. Still thinking about the center part, but I want it to somehow reach someplace underneath the tree where it would contain a cavern and possibly a Nether portal. And maybe have an island be somewhere on top of the tree.

Iono. Its something to keep me busy. >w>

EDIT 3/14/11:

Not the most impressive-looking (or natural-looking) tree in the world, but so far pretty much the largest, which is good enough for me. I plan to modify the outside a bit in due time.

Its pitch black beneath the tree. I attempted to make a sort of mystic glow by strategically-placed glowstone under the roots and in the water.

The front entrance. Ain’t nothing fancy. I wanted to keep it looking as natural as possible on the outside.

A skyview from the inside. Just mountains of wood and leaves and a wooden spire with yet another fucking tree on the top.

A small well with (fitting) mossy cobblestone.

And a small park with benches and an opening in the branches to view the outside world.

Stumped with what to first build in the city, I decided to start with the necessities. Food is pretty important, hence the farm. Though I had to modify the surroundings a bit cause animals kept fucking trampling over the crops.

The farm building seamlessly blended into the tree environment and a set of stairs as well as a lamp post.

Dunno what’s next on the agenda. A hotel I guess? I decided it was easier to not think too much about what to set up and just build the first thing that came to mind.


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