Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sketchdump 05-29-11

(Actual conversation that motivated the making of this journal:

Vizier Tempus: P.S. Do your journal, even if it's a short one, or I'll set fire to your tree >:(
Vizier Tempus: Sure waffles could just bring it back BUT I'M WARNING YOU.
Rej: FINE I'LL DO IT JEEZ. >.< )


I don't really have much to contribute as of late. My time in Guam is a dodgy one as I continue in my efforts to find employment and lead myself to self-sufficiency. I often wonder what I'm doing wrong, though, cause it certainly isn't a lack of trying. I've applied to every position I could possibly perform within the limitations of my experience (which sadly isn't that much). That unfortunately cuts me off a vast majority of opportunities, leaving only entry level jobs which are quickly being usurped by the Filipinos that are migrating from the Philippines to live here. USURPERS.
I do follow up on my applications, even when the last thing I like doing is further nagging people to look over it, and most of the time I'm simply told to wait out the period and not call up. Guam isn't a very big place so there really isn't a lot of demand, especially now that its in a huge recession due to the Japan tsunami (the economy mainly thrived on Japanese tourism). I picked a perfect time to arrive huh. Adding to the pressure of my mom demanding I return home since it was taking so long to find a job (I've been here for barely a month). So...yeah. Spending time online is a bit low on my priority list at the moment.

I doubled back and went around my folders, finding old sketches and WIPs I've never finished, mostly because they sucked or were forgotten. Might as well fit them in here.

First off...werewuffies!

A Blastoise from one of my commissions I wasn't satisfied with.

Two Sonic fancharacters, one of the first I've ever made. The dude on the left used to be called Raven until I made his little brother on the right, making their team name Glitch n' Glide. I thought it was funny.

This was meant to be an ID for a friend, but over time I wasn't satisfied with how I drew it and wanted to redo it.

I'm a Kilplix fan and used to watch his videos. When he got a Blogger I wanted to make a picture for him but ended up not finishing it because all the anatomy mistakes (especially the hands) bugged me too much. His Youtube is Kilplixism. His older vids were especially hilarious.

And lastly...not really a WIP. Just the full image of the Street Fighter Challenge meme I did on DA. Something about thick lines, man...


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