Friday, August 27, 2010


…kay. So I suck at dedications. It would appear that Miami life is hectic and riddled with so many unforeseen forces that its difficult to keep to the things I usually love to do. Like drawing. The fact of the matter is, people –hate- sitting around for any extended period of time. To them, it’s a waste of life, and, to a degree, I agree. After all, not everything I do is unproductive (although admittedly I have let myself be slave to games lately. Damn you, Luke.). But also this means I don’t get a chance to sit down and relax long enough to have the inspiration to seriously get down and create something I can be proud of. And as of now I should be concentrating on acing my exam so that I can finally get somewhere in my life and get the people complaining about my uselessness off my ass.

But this is only half the reason why I’ve not completed the ConceptJam, and would rather put the task away for another day. The characters I’ve created, I very much would like to further explore their potential when the time comes. It just doesn’t seem that now is the time.

The other half would be interpersonal problems with certain people, all of whom are great and I count myself fortunate to have met, but somehow leaving me with a lot less confidence in myself that’s led me to question a lot of what I do and whether I’m honestly a good person to be with or not. It seems I get the same reaction a lot when it comes to my somewhat ‘acerbic’ humor…unfortunately, I don’t know when to draw the line of when a joke would go too far, and it ends up making people actually believe these jests and think of me as a rather mean person. Not that I normally tend to care enough about it- you can say that all my life I’ve walked on eggshells, trying not to mess up everything I do and never doing good enough to satisfy. Other people’s feelings are at the bottom of my “Give a Damn” list, but when it comes to people I consider friends, it something that bothers me greatly when I find out I’ve upset them in some way without intending to. I end up more often than not simply throwing my hands in the air, muttering, “This really isn’t worth my time,” and leaving them to their butthurt. But I still wonder if I was the one in the wrong or not. I can’t always do the right thing, and at least I have the balls to admit it and apologize, but it always seems a mistake from me is intolerable. And it takes time for me to recover enough to move on from it.

In other news, my aunt had surgery recently for a muscle tear in her shoulder. Been bothering her for the last few months now and finally got it done. Been helping take care of her as well, and for the moment she’s doing quite fine.

I’ve managed to do a few drawings now and then, just cause some people seem to like the little sketches I leave for my blogs.

I was working on a character for the Samurai Duelers League, as they’ve recently revamped their group and are starting a fresh new season. It’s a perfect opportunity to try out a feudal Taddle, who just happened to be a sort-of ninja to begin with. Although in this era, she’d be a real ninja under the guise of “Kageshin”, which is “Shadowheart” in Japanese. Muchos gracias those lovely people in the Artist Tree and SDL chatrooms for the translation. <3

Er…Wen-M had a contest involving people to draw themselves in group uniforms. It was a passing attempt but didn’t have time to work on it much. XD; Yay fer draggin' nerds around~


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ConceptJam! - Day 1

Lord knows I have a ton of under-developed characters I’ve been dying to work on, but alas, I can only choose one for the time frame I’ve been given. So I’ve decided that, since I wasn’t going to stick with the convering-Jemilie-to-a-harpy-OC idea, I would have to create an entirely new character from scratch, which was perfect. So here is the harpy girl from a few days ago, the protagonist of her own yet-to-be-told story, along with her mentor/sidekick Ametris. I haven’t thought of a name for her yet, but at the moment I’m going with Clair Vu.

Right now I’m simply getting the basic concept of her down, but she’s still got a lot of refining to do. I want her to lean a bit for an American Indian-ish type of style, and that requires a bit of research. Ametris needs a little work- I want him to be an example of a harpy that has gone into the advanced stages of their devolution but still maintain a small part of the human aspect in that beastial form. He –might- be anthropomorphic, but I would rather him be as he is now, but with the capabilities of being able to stand upright somewhat and use his forelegs like regular arms and legs.

Stay tuned as I’m under dedication to churn out at least one concept sketch a day for this event.


ConceptJam! Aug 17-30

This is part of ArtistTree's first ever Concept Jam.

About the Concept Jam
A two-week long event starting from August 17th to the 30th centering around a certain theme, from which artists from all walks can participate in conceptualizing and refining ideas surrounding that theme, to result in a finalized creation at the end. The point of the Jam is to challenge your creative prowess, to be able to take ideas and put them down, work on them to make them as close to satisfyingly perfect as possible within a given deadline.

If anyone is interested (and for those of you interested in working in the art industry), I’d highly recommend joining the Jam, and any future Jams that would happen henceforth. You can read up on it and sign up here: ConceptJam Blog . It’ll be open for anyone to join within the first week. The sooner you do it, the better!


~Day 1

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sketchblog 1

Even though I really love you, I'm gonna smile because I deserve to
It'll all bet better in time.

Another Lapith, Skiver, made a while ago and the first original Skvader Lapith I've thought of besides Kalulu. At some point I'll be exploring on their race and other things. I've been working on getting their concept down for a while now.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wild Fun Tiemz

I need to get used to posting here at least once a week. ^^;

So! The first real entry will start off at how much effing fun I had at my friend’s birthday/going away party. FUN. It was small and yeah, full of a bunch of usual chill college kids, but they were damn interesting people –INFINITELY better than the gay crowd my cousin decides to be a part of, no offense- and I had a blast getting drunk. XD;

Beach party at night? Even moar awesome! <3

Hair after beach party at night? FRIGGIN AWFUL. DX Ugh. I wasn’t really prepared to go to the beach at night. Luckily my cousin warned me that people actually still do party after dark and helped me look for a suitable bikini. Bikinis are pretty damn expensive, especially if they don’t have the size you need. And more often than not, they WON’T have the size you need. -_-; So kudos to her.

So in the meantime, I’ve tried to do a few sketches. Mostly random things, just getting back into the feel of drawing and doing quick things that don’t really require too much concentration or patience.

One of the few races that I created a while back with a friend. He was trying to figure out races for his RPG and I sort of worked a lot into this harpy type of race. Basically born as humans, they eventually get more birdlike with age, more bestial and more feral, but with far stronger elemental abilities. The first harpy character was actually going to be another Jemilie clone, but I didn't want to make Jemilie too much of a universe-hopping character and tried to make a different character entirely. Some very bouncy redhaired youngin changing far too fast for her age due to her constant meddling in elemental arts.

An example of a Lapith princess from another race I created involving shapeshifting alien rabbits. Sort of derived from the concept of Moon men from Yaiba if anyone remembers watching/reading that anime. Its pretty friggin old. XD; EDIT: Fixed her extra pair of ears. Lapiths are born with four ears, keep forgetting. XD;
