Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cold Butts

The cold season’s rolling along and I can feel it. It was only a week ago we were still in the ninties, and in the course of a few days quickly dropped to as low as sixty degrees. Might be just the cold front coming in, but I can already remember the stinging winter bite from last year’s freak weather. Lucky me huh to experience one of the coldest temperatures Tampa has ever went through in decades. I mean…it never goes below sixty in the Philippines, never! At least from what I can remember, cause I get cold easily and the only times I ever get cold is when its been raining for a long time without sun.

Also learned that my years in the tropical climate has pretty much made me cold-blooded. I freeze even in air-conditioned rooms- I can’t handle being in temperatures below 75 for too long. >.< I’m pretty sure when I used to live in Chicago I wasn’t this picky about temperature, but dang, it can’t even touch the fifties without me going “HOLY CRAP ITS COLD!”

So now’s the time for sweaters, scarves, and cuddles. I personally don’t mind the wintertime for the last one. <3


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog Overhaul

Not a lot new to report on, besides the obvious blog overhaul. It took an entire week to recustomize the journal. CSS guro I am not, but I sure as hell can learn how to work with it. Just takes a lot of time and testing and understanding which code does what. Not to mention putting up the images; those took a bit of time as well. There are still some tweaks, like the pages the buttons direct to and possibly adding some junk on the sidebars (cause I love putting junk XD), I’m pretty much happy with it.

I also (shamelessly) added a Donation link, the idea of which I got (shamelessly) from Kilplix’s own blog. XD; Considering I’m on my last five bucks, it would be a reasonable action to put it up. And because I HATE asking and begging for help like so many other artists (who may or may not require such cash for certain circumstances), I’m just going to place a handy little button right there letting it be up to whoever would be nice enough to contribute. I wouldn’t just run off with a half-hearted thank you though…I plan to return a commission to every person that donates as a way of thanks. I can’t seriously work to offer commissions with my schedule right now, but a return gift for kindness is perfectly manageable.

Trying to study nowadays. Might go on till the 19th, when I take the actual test. When I’m not studying I’m trying to apply for college. I think its my best course regardless of whether I pass or not since some of them do offer services to help students get jobs, as well as providing that housing for them (and I really want to get out of this place asap). So keeping my fingers crossed for that.

To finish off, here are the full images of the buttons on top, featuring the leaders of the Serion Homeworld Army Retrieval Squadron. Enjoy!
